Build Productive Habits to Get Results that Matter

Build Productive Habits to Get Results that Matter

Everyone has habits, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with them. Some are pretty useful — maybe you lay out your clothes for work the night before or have an established pattern of exercising in the morning before your day starts. These are positive habits for...
How Perceptions Can Be Limiting

How Perceptions Can Be Limiting

We all bring our perceptions and assumptions to our lives based on our past, emotional trauma and survival skills. But this can hinder our ability to move forward and suppress the risks that we’re willing to take. By challenging our preconceptions, we can move...
Get Out of Your Box to Enhance Creativity

Get Out of Your Box to Enhance Creativity

The way you define or frame your problem can limit your creativity. If you describe the issue you’re trying to solve in a different way, or look at it from a different angle, new solutions can emerge. Creativity takes developing your curiosity. You have to flip...
Freedom and the Mind-Body Connection

Freedom and the Mind-Body Connection

“Freedom is about being so truly, madly and deeply attached to your own soul that you can’t bear –  if only for a moment – a life that doesn’t honor it.” – Andrea Balt Most of us in the Bay Area live with a great deal of freedom in our day.  We get to...
How to Be Extremely Productive When Working from Home

How to Be Extremely Productive When Working from Home

When the COVID-19 virus hit in US in mid-March 2020, millions of people around the world were forced to work remotely.  It’s estimated that around 62% of employees are still working at home, according to a Gallup survey. Whether we like it or not, home offices are the...
Research Proves Nature is Good for You

Research Proves Nature is Good for You

Japanese researchers set out to study the changes on the body when spending time in nature. “Forest Bathing” or shinrin-yoku was proved to have beneficial, measurable changes when spending 40 minutes walking in nature. One study at Chiba University in Japan found that...