Watch Your Way to Spectacular

Find Your Life’s Purpose with Coaching

Find Your Life’s Purpose with Coaching

Many of us live busy, distracted and overwhelmed lives that may not bring satisfaction that we once hoped for. We all want more meaning and impact to feel fulfilled in our lives.  It takes time and...

Four-Step Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals

Four-Step Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals

We set goals because we want to become better versions of ourselves or we want to upgrade our life experiences. Yet, achieving your goals can be challenging.  It's easy to set them but hard to...

How to Break Bad Habits to Create Positive Change

How to Break Bad Habits to Create Positive Change

Bad habits can lead us astray in our life, whether it’s turning to comfort food when we’re sad, or over-drinking when when stressed. Since habits take practice and repetition to form, the same is...

How to Immediately Improve Your Relationships

How to Immediately Improve Your Relationships

Improving relationships is about you and your perceptions about the other person. But another aspect that you need to consider is the way you view them. Are you allowing them to be their self? Can...

Calming Tips for Challenging Times

Calming Tips for Challenging Times

In challenging times, anxiety rises and it's hard to stay calm. Jodi Weitz, Results Coach, gives suggestions so that you can let go of stress and be grounded in difficult times. These suggestions...

How to Communicate Even When in Conflict

How to Communicate Even When in Conflict

Conflict comes up in our relationships, but how you communicate when upset or triggered goes a long way toward determining whether the problem will be resolved or if it will continue to fester and...

Eight Ways to Get Clarity

Eight Ways to Get Clarity

Getting clarity on your goals is not always easy, as there are many things that can distract us and get us off course. Here are eight tips brought to you by Jodi Weitz, Results Coach, to gain focus...

Deepening Well-Being and Happiness

Deepening Well-Being and Happiness

We all want to be happy. But how do we find real life ways to invite more happiness? Jodi talks about how you can increase your emotional well-being and become more fully engaged in your life. When...

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