Episodes for You to Get Spectacular


Hilda Fainsod, Catalyst for Personal and Professional Growth

Hilda Fainsod, Catalyst for Personal and Professional Growth

Hilda Fainsod is a catalyst for personal and professional growth, striving to empower individuals and organizations to unlock performance and happiness. Specializing in Mastermind, Mental Fitness, and Coaching, Hilda holds ten international certifications that validate her expertise in working with senior executives, their teams, and organizations for two decades. Hilda has been a trusted partner on leaders’ transformative journeys. Her commitment lies in supporting those who invest in their growth and change, ensuring their choices and actions are amplified. As a leadership podcaster and author of “Buen Camino,” Hilda challenges individuals to embrace change and reach their next level. For more information, visit https://www.hildafainsod.com/.

Donna Dube, Business Growth Strategist

Donna Dube, Business Growth Strategist

Donna Dube is a certified Director of Operations, business growth strategist and host of the CEO Amplify podcast. She works with established online service- based business owners who are ready to make a bigger impact and maximize their profit. Donna is passionate about helping business owners work smarter not harder, escape the hustle and grind culture, and go from stressed out to confident CEO. With several years of experience in project planning and strategic growth planning with 6- & 7-figure businesses, she has seen the momentum that can happen in a business when the CEO leverages their time, talent and tactics. For more information, visit https://ceoamplify.ca/ceo-power-hour.

Andre Paradis, Inspirational Relationship Coach

Andre Paradis, Inspirational Relationship Coach

Andre has come a long way from his tough childhood days and former life as a professional dancer; he is now an inspirational relationship coach. Teaching has been one of his passions throughout his life, from teaching in Japan to Bangkok and all the way back. In 2006, he began studying the dynamics between men and women out of sheer curiosity, ultimately discovering something extraordinary. This discovery spurred Andre to spend time researching and became too powerful a message to keep to himself. His Project Equinox was created with the mission to share all the knowledge he had gained in the world.

Nowadays, Andre would be considered in the ‘third phase’ of his life, endeavoring to help change people’s lives around the globe by equipping them with the tools to have excellent communication skills and healthy relationships; he is determined to make a long-term positive impact. For more information, visit https://projectequinox.net/. To get his free book or get a complimentary call, email andrecoaching1@gmail.com and put irresistible book or talk now in the subject line.

Shannon Boyer, Producing Stellar Online Courses

Shannon Boyer, Producing Stellar Online Courses

Shannon Boyer is an award-winning educator with more than twenty years of experience designing courses and curriculum. She helps online course creators produce stellar content that ensures more students achieve amazing transformations and write raving reviews using her Your Best Course program. Shannon’s been working with her knowledge of curriculum design to help entrepreneurs showcase their experience to achieve amazing outcomes for their clients and students. For more information, visit shannonlboyer.com.

Bo Bennett, Critical Thinker, Author, Humorist and More

Bo Bennett, Critical Thinker, Author, Humorist and More

Bo Bennett has a PhD in social psychology. He currently runs over a dozen websites, has written over a dozen books mostly on the topics of critical thinking, and teaches several online courses. He has been in the self-publishing industry for over a decade and has written multiple screenplays. Bo has three areas of interest that he writes about: social sciences and critical thinking, business and success and comedy. For more information, visit bobennett.com.

Jenn Drummond, Quit Proof Mountaineer and Entrepreneur

Jenn Drummond, Quit Proof Mountaineer and Entrepreneur

Jenn Drummond is a Mom of 7, successful business owner and World Record holder. As the first woman to climb the second highest summits on each of the 7 continents, she now spends her time inspiring others to create a thriving business and lasting legacy of their own. She shares her story and strategies for success through her book, Quit Proof: 7 Strategies to Build Resilience and Achieve Your Life Goals, and her Seek Your Summit podcast, programs, and signature talks. Learn more about how she elevates devoted and determined entrepreneurs to go beyond a life of success to a life of significance by visiting https://www.jenndrummond.com.

Gail Weiner and Jodi Weitz, Women’s Guide to the Psychology and Strategies for Career Success

Gail Weiner and Jodi Weitz, Women’s Guide to the Psychology and Strategies for Career Success

Women face unique challenges in their work life, which make it difficult to gain success in their careers or building their businesses. Gail Weiner, LMFT and Jodi Weitz, Business Coach, will discuss ways for women to uncover hidden blocks, such as societal and environment pressures that may be holding them back from success. When women process and move past these challenges, they can redefine success on their own terms and gain the meaning, recognition and financial rewards that they deserve. For more in-depth information and to spur insight and direction toward a more fulfilling career, join the introduction webinar on September 26, 2013 or The Intensive on Oct. 9th – 23rd, 2013. Send your inquiries to jodi@bizcoachingsuccess.com.

Keith Nelson, Crossing Boundaries to Fostering Creativity

Keith Nelson, Crossing Boundaries to Fostering Creativity

Keith Nelson’s Dynamic Systems work crosses boundaries between Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Communication Disorders, Linguistics, Art Education, Dynamic Systems, Cognitive Psychology, Creativity, Environmental Toxins, and Evolution. I have been honored by two Fulbright Research Fellowships. His academic foundations include a B.A. from Harvard, Ph. D from Yale, and stimulating experiences as a collaborative faculty member at Stanford, Graduate Faculty of New School for Social research, and Penn State University.

He is the CEO of Eagle Spirits Creative Breakthroughs, which concentrates on books, software, workshops, courses, and consulting on Fostering Creativity in any field. Keith has written a book called “Breakthroughs: Realizing Our Potentials Through Dynamic Tricky Mixes” and includes simplistic strategies and tips to move on to their own creative breakthroughs. To get more information about his book, click https://www.amazon.com/Breakthroughs-Realizing-Potentials-Through-Dynamic-ebook/dp/B09LTSFMXD/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=books+breakthroughs+%22keith+nelson%22&qid=1639668693&sr=8-7&pldnSite=1.

Rodric Lenhart, Peace, Prosperity and the Courage to Change Course in Life and Business

Rodric Lenhart, Peace, Prosperity and the Courage to Change Course in Life and Business

Rodric Lenhart, a Michigan-born lifelong entrepreneur, started his business journey at a young age with a fruit stand in his mother’s front yard. Over the last thirty years, he has expanded his ventures to create multiple multi-million dollar companies in both product and service industries. His passion for entrepreneurship led him to become one of the first graduates of UT’s Entrepreneurship, Family, and Small Business Program and he holds an ICF designation as a professional business coach from Brown University’s LPCC Program. Rodric now focuses on helping clients worldwide implement massive change in their lives through limited private coaching, courses and speaking engagements.

Having traveled to more than fifty countries across six continents, Rodric brings a unique worldview and a deep appreciation for freedom and autonomy to his work – donating all profits from his work to his foundation Send a Student Leader Abroad in partnership with EF Tours. Find out more about Roderic’s book “Million Dollar Flip Flops: Peace, Prosperity and the Courage to Change Your Life and Business” at MillionDollarFlipFlops.com and SASLA.org.

Roy Osing, Growing Business at an Audacious Rate

Roy Osing, Growing Business at an Audacious Rate

Roy Osing is a guy who took a startup to a billion dollars in annual sales. He is the only author, entrepreneur and executive leader who delivers practical and proven ‘Audacious Unheard-of Ways’ to produce high performing businesses and successful careers. Roy is a former president, CMO and entrepreneur with over 40 years of successful and unmatched executive leadership experience in every aspect of business.

As President of a major data and internet company, his leadership and audacious ‘unheard-of ways’ took the company from its early stage to $1 Billion in annual sales. He is a blogger, content marketer and mentor to young professionals. As an accomplished business advisor, he is the author of the no-nonsense book series ‘BE DiFFERENT or be dead’, with ‘The Audacious Unheard-of Ways I took a Startup to A BILLION IN SALES’ as his seventh. For more information, visit https://www.bedifferentorbedead.com/.

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Living Your Life on Fire with Intuitive Business Coaching

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Living Your Life on Fire with Intuitive Business Coaching

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell is the Intuitive Business Coach who leads her clients to Live Life on FIRE for the Ultimate Successful Life with peace, joy, and fulfillment! Lynita has built an award-winning law firm and publishing house, is a #1 Bestselling Author, CPA, an ordained New Thought Minister, and recognized nationally as an outstanding community leader. Based on her latest book, Lynita loves sharing the formula to the Ultimate Successful Life with Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment! For more information, visit https://www.lynitamitchellblackwell.com/.

Uzair Ahmed, Expertise in Automation and Outsourcing for the Home-Service Business.

Uzair Ahmed, Expertise in Automation and Outsourcing for the Home-Service Business.

Uzair Ahmed is a Solutions Consultant at Cottonwood Automation, a home-service business process automation, and outsourcing firm. Previously, Uzair founded InstaMek, an on-demand mechanics service that he successfully scaled and led to a multi-million-dollar venture investment. Uzair has a unique perspective on how automation can drive growth while maintaining the human touch. With over ten years of experience in sales, operations, and technology, he has a proven track record of building and scaling delivering results of raising seven-figure funding and multi-million business. For more information, see Uzair’s Twitter feed at https://twitter.com/uzairtruballa.

David Van Beekum, Building Communities with Social TV Networks

David Van Beekum, Building Communities with Social TV Networks

David Van Beekum, is a Co-Founder & Creator of tweva, the world’s first social TV network for small businesses and influencers. A digital marketing guru, startup enthusiast, and tech expert, Dave is a man of many talents. Despite being more of an introvert, Dave has been a driving force behind tweva’s success, working tirelessly on software development, databases, automation, 3D printing, robots, and AI. But it wasn’t until recently, when one of his co-founders passed away, that Dave realized it was time to step out of his comfort zone and share his wealth of knowledge with others.

When he’s not revolutionizing the social TV space, Dave enjoys spending time with his wife and kids in sunny Florida. And if you can’t find him there, chances are he’s locked himself in his air-conditioned office, dreaming up new ways to change the world of digital marketing. For more information, visit tweva.com or connect.tweva.com.

Charles Gellman, Changing the Future of Patient Care with AI

Charles Gellman, Changing the Future of Patient Care with AI

Charles Gellman is the CEO and Co-Founder of HiDO Health. With over 100+ podcast interviews from notable university professors, leading researchers and forward-thinking podcast hosts he received NIH funded research in collaboration with Stanford and Rush Universities. He is one of the top voices on AI assisted robotics, digital health and the impact on care. Charles Gellman was recently featured in a full feature documentary, “AI Robotics… The HiDO Story.” He publishes his analyses regularly in the newsletter, “The Future of Care.” He is a former advisor for StartXMed and has worked in various executive roles at Startups as well as Fortune 500 companies. He received an MSHI degree from University of California at Davis, Medical School. For more information, visit hidohealth.com and LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/mshicgellman/.

Aaron Trahan, Passionate About Leadership Development

Aaron Trahan, Passionate About Leadership Development

Aaron has a 15+ year progressive background as a senior-level executive leader within public-company corporate environments & early-stage startups. Aaron’s leadership roles have included overseeing GTM strategy, operations, key growth initiatives, & performance management. Aaron is passionate about leadership development, and most especially, helping professionals find their path from good-to-great. As a certified leadership & executive performance coach – Aaron leverages his background & training to support leaders with the implementation of systems, mental models, frameworks, growth programs, & external accountability that allows them to accelerate their path to operating as the best version of themselves and reaching full potential. For more information, visit Aaron’s Linkedin page at https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-trahan-6135909/.

Shea Fox, Building Resilience

Shea Fox, Building Resilience

Shea Fox is 31 years old and lives in Noosa on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Australia. He helps people to live a better life by showing them, through his own actions and with a process of removal each day, that they can develop themselves physically and mentally to better understand themselves and give a better more effective self to the world. By adopting habits that regulate and routinize their emotional and mental states he proves to people that through consciously engaging in the things that we fear we become stronger and more resilient, and can start to live there best life! For more information, visit https://www.instagram.com/sheadfox/.

Adam Lucero, Optimizing Human Performance

Adam Lucero, Optimizing Human Performance

In 2016, Adam was stabbed in the throat, chest and arm while at a movie theater and woke up 7 days later from an induced coma. From that event, it forced him into learning how to optimize human performance. Now, he works with driven people and entrepreneurs to boost their productivity and performance using that same information he used to build himself from the ground up. He works with mindset, habits, health, nutrition and fitness to bring his clients to success. For more information, visit https://superhumanceo.com/.

Scott Bywater, Pro Copywriter to Increase Sales

Scott Bywater, Pro Copywriter to Increase Sales

Scott Bywater is one of the most sought after marketing copywriters in Australia, who runs what many regard as the highest level private marketing group in Australia, Elite Marketers. He is the creator of the online ‘Simple Email ROI System’ course and over the past 21 years has written for gurus and leading companies including Kerwin Rae, Jay Conrad Levinson (of ‘Guerilla Marketing’ fame), Mercola.com and The Learning Annex.

He’s an in-demand speaker who has presented at James Schramko’s SuperFast Business, Dale Beaumont and Ben Simkin’s masterminds – and is on a mission to help coaches, consultants and course creators leverage their most undervalued asset (their email list) without being pushy or salesy. For more information, visit https://www.copywritingthatsells.com.au/.

Bill Heinrich, Living Your True Purpose

Bill Heinrich, Living Your True Purpose

No matter how much money Bill made or how successful he was, he never felt whole. Over the course of time, these feeling got worse for him, never better, no matter what he did. Thirty years ago, his life was so miserable and dysfunction controlled his life. Yet he was able to transform his life, walked out the door, changed his life and I never looked back.

Bill Heinrich has cracked the code with research, investigation and experimentation that allow anyone to live life with passion, purpose and prosperity. The information that he discovered it’s so powerful that it creates a fool proof blueprint that guarantee’s success. For more information, visit www.truelifepurposenow.com.

Marika Messager, Conscious Leader

Marika Messager, Conscious Leader

Marika Messager is a Conscious Leader, visionary, teacher, researcher in consciousness, elevating individuals, businesses and the global community in a new paradigm of positive and purposeful impact. Marika combines strategic thinking and business awareness with spiritual and emotional intelligence. She brings her solid business experience as a lauded corporate leader in the financial markets, where she was recognized as one of the industry’s most successful equity sales professionals. Making it to the 7-figure annual compensation at the age of 31 – the year she gave birth to her son – by the age of 33, Marika was appointed as one of the youngest female sales managers with 40 people across Europe under her supervision. Her success led her to realize what was missing from her own career and the corporate world: Conscious Leadership. For more information, visit https://www.marikamessager.com.

Manuj Aggarwal, Harnessing the Power of AI

Manuj Aggarwal, Harnessing the Power of AI

Manuj  Aggarwal dreamed of making it big in business. As an immigrant from a developing country, he worked hard at building his skills at entrepreneurship and his own company.  He went from earning $2/day to the boardrooms of Fortune 500, Manuj is the founder of TetraNoodle Technologies, tech consulting firm, who has been listed among the world’s top AI leaders. His deep knowledge and experience in cutting-edge technologies, human psychology and neuroscience has helped him build systems that result in exponential growth – both for individuals and organizations.

AI technology is exploding everywhere and offers numerous benefits, such as enhanced decision making, automation and efficiency, the ability to analyze data and recognize patterns, streamlined operations and enhanced customer service. Manuj is dedicated to delivering AI-powered consulting and technology solutions to businesses who want to optimize people, processes, and technology.  His areas of expertise include innovation, enriching customer insights, becoming cost-efficient, and making more profits by harnessing the power of data.

Craig Andrews, Super-Charging Sales

Craig Andrews, Super-Charging Sales

Craig Andrews is the Principal Ally and founder of marketing agency allies4me. Using a proven method that mimics the stages of courtship, allies4me helps companies find strangers and convert them into high-paying customers. An eight-stage Customer Value Journey is the framework that leads someone from first contact to post purchase.

Add value at each and every stage of the journey. A First-Time Offer (FTO) is like a coffee date. It’s a low-commitment and low-risk way to test the relationship. When you do this well, your prospect starts asking you to “close the deal.” This relational framework builds trust faster. It drives revenue faster. And it strengthens customer loyalty after the purchase. Craig and the allies4me team are consummate students of psychology and use these insights to supercharge sales engines for clients. For more information, visit https://allies4me.com/spectacularlife.

Darleen Priday, Building Sales Relationships with Empathy

Darleen Priday, Building Sales Relationships with Empathy

Darleen Priday, Founder and CEO of DP Consults, Darleen has over 30 years’ experience in Sales and Business Development. Passionate about empathetic and relational sales, Darleen equips business coaches and entrepreneurs with the strategy and confidence to sell their services. Empathetic selling and relationship building are the core of who she is as a person. She has created a unique approach to business development that has been wildly successful for her and her clients. She is also the Director of Business Development at Peachtree VA where she works with entrepreneurs to get them the right support to scale their business. For more information, visit peachtreeva.com.

Philip Topham, The Savvy Founder

Philip Topham, The Savvy Founder

Philip Topham is an entrepreneur, coach, author, patented inventor, and host of The Savvy Founder podcast. Philip’s passion is to help business owners and founders shorten their journey. He is particularly good at helping leaders to develop their personal capacity to build and grow their business. With more than 25 years across startups and corporate roles, Philip has been everything from janitor to CTO/CIO, to the Founder and Chief Everything Officer. He has solved problems others said could not be solved. Philip has built a business from zero to profitability, selling more than $5M to big pharma and changed the way the pharmaceutical industry operates. Philip is an armchair sociologist with peer-review publications in social network analysis and machine learning. He holds a BS in Biological Sciences from UC Irvine and an MBA from Pepperdine University. For more information, click https://askthesavvyfounder.youcanbook.me/ or find Philip on Linkedin.

Jordan Mendoza, Trailblazer

Jordan Mendoza, Trailblazer

Jordan Mendoza is the Founder and CEO of Blaze Your Own Trail Consulting, LLC where he helps service providers grow their business through strategic marketing, sales & leadership consulting. In April of 2019 Jordan started creating content on LinkedIn and quickly realized the power of the organic reach. By December, he had amassed 20k followers using the strategy he now teaches his clients in his 12 Week Program.

Since 2019 Jordan’s content has reached over 7 million content views and his audience has expanded to 68K plus followers. Now a full-time trailblazer, Jordan’s goal is to help over 1000 entrepreneurs & companies grow their brands to increase their impact and income each year. Jordan is also an Author, Keynote Speaker & Hosts the Top 1.5% ranked Podcast, Blaze Your Own Trail.
You can find more information about Jordan at https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza.